What is coal? | Types of coal and differences between coals

Coal is one of the most important sources of energy in the world, which is used in industries, homes and even kitchens. Coal occurs naturally from the transformation of organic matter such as plants and trees into black stones over time, and artificially, based on the amount of carbon, water, ash and gases in them, it is divided into several types such as coal, compacted coal, soil They are divided into saws and… in this article we are going to understand what coal is and focus more on their types. Please join us.

What is coal?

Coal is a combustible material that is usually light and brittle and consists of 85 to 98% carbon. This substance has a high amount of carbon and can be used as fuel in industries and homes or for therapeutic applications in the medical industry, etc. Also, coal is a raw material for the production of gas, coke, oil, tar and some chemical products. Coal has been one of the most important sources of energy in the world since ancient times and still plays an important role in the production of electricity and steel.

Coals are divided into several types in terms of color, shape, composition and calorific value, each of which has different characteristics and uses. Some of these types include compressed coal, coal soil, sawdust coal, coal and activated coal, which we will learn more about later.

The difference between coals and the introduction of their types

Types of coal can be divided based on raw materials, preparation method, quality and their use. In the following, we will introduce some types of coal:

compressed coal

This type of charcoal is prepared by compressing wood and coal waste, and to make it, crushed materials are mixed with a sticky substance such as starch, mud, oil or sulfur and molded under pressure and heat. Compressed coal has a lower price than regular coal and is also more durable. coal has a beautiful appearance, no smoke, no smell and no spark. Also, this coal pollutes the environment less due to the use of recycled materials.

charcoal soil

Coal soil is a type of coal that is obtained by pulverizing other coals such as coal, charcoal, pistachio shell coal, and walnut. This coal soil is usually used to prepare compressed coal or Chinese coal, which have high fuel quality and low smoke, and usually coal soil is mixed with adhesive materials such as starch, flour, mud, glue or wax and is mixed with charcoal making machines in different ways. They compress like a square or a hexagon.

Sawdust coal

This type of charcoal is made from sawdust and is usually obtained from industrial wood such as chipboard. This coal has a lower quality than natural coal and may contain harmful chemicals and is used to generate energy and electricity. To prepare this charcoal, sawdust is burned in an airless environment with high heat so that its carbon remains. Then the resulting coal is crushed and activated with chemicals. Due to the presence of organic matter and water, this coal produces a lot of smoke and smell and causes air pollution.


Coal is formed from the decomposition of plants over millions of years and comes in various colors such as black, brown, gray and yellow. Coal is divided into different types such as anthracite, bituminous, lignite and peat based on the amount of carbon, organic matter and water. This type of coal is used to produce energy and electricity, and it is not possible to prepare it artificially, and it is created during long stages in different geological eras. This coal is used by many countries due to its high energy, low price and easy access, but it causes air pollution, greenhouse effect and causes respiratory diseases.

active coal

This type of charcoal is made from charcoal or other carbon-containing materials that have been activated by heating in a vacuum environment or with chemicals. This charcoal has a very large surface and small pores, which has the ability to absorb harmful substances and is used to purify water and air, whiten teeth, and treat some diseases. To prepare activated charcoal, charcoal or other materials are burned in an airless environment with high heat so that their carbon remains. Then they activate the resulting coal with chemicals such as phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, oxygen, water vapor or carbon dioxide. This charcoal is used by many industries and medicine due to its antibacterial, anti-toxic and anti-odor properties.

What is coal? | Types of coal and differences between coals

What is coal? | Types of coal and differences between coals

Advantages and disadvantages of using coal

There are different types of coal, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of these advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of coal

  • Coal has a lot of energy and can produce a lot of heat.
  • Coal has a lower price than other energy sources and is easier to access.
  • Some of its types, such as compressed coal and activated charcoal, have low smoke and odor and the ability to absorb harmful substances.
  • Some of its types, such as compressed coal, are made from recycled and renewable materials and pollute the environment less.

Disadvantages of coal

  • Some of its types, such as coal and sawdust coal, have a lot of smoke and smell and cause air pollution, turning the earth into a greenhouse, and causing respiratory diseases.
  • They may carry harmful chemicals with them and harm the health of humans and animals.


Coal is one of the oldest and important energy sources in the world, which is used for many different industries and applications. Coal is divided into different types such as coal, compressed coal, earth coal, sawdust coal and activated coal, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we understood what charcoal is and pointed out some of its advantages and disadvantages and introduced the types of charcoal and how to make them. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Fars blazing charcoal is the provider of compressed coal with the best quality and guaranteed price, please contact us for more information and order. “Burning coal, the heat of life”.

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