What is sawdust coal?

Sawdust coal can be considered one of the most widely used types of compressed coal. This product is one of the types of compressed coal, which is also known by other names such as Chinese coal. Currently, next to coal, charcoal soil is considered one of the alternatives of industrial coal and has many applications and uses. Compressed coals are produced in different types of sawdust coal and charcoal coal and are provided to applicants. These two types of coal have similarities and differences between them.

In this article, he presents material about soil charcoal and reviews and examines the method of its production and use. If you are looking for more information in this field, stay with us.

Sawdust coals, as indicated by their name, are obtained using sawdust. In fact, sawdust can be considered one of the most important raw materials for the production of this product.

In the process of making this type of charcoal, the producers also use other raw materials and produce this product by combining and compressing materials such as walnut shells, wood waste, beet pulp, rice bran, etc. Various hexagonal, four-cornered, cube-shaped, cylindrical, etc. are offered to the consumer market.

This product has differences with coal soil, which is another type of compressed coal. These differences can be seen in the raw materials of the two products and their compositions and production methods. In the usual case, producers use coal chips to make charcoal soil, and they consider coal chips produced in the traditional way for this purpose.

After that, the coals are made into powder. In the next step, the powders are passed through a sieve to remove impurities from them. In another step, by combining these materials and then compressing them, they start molding and compress the obtained dough.

Related article: What are the raw materials for the production of compressed coal?

Raw materials for the production of sawdust coals

As it was said before, sawdust is one of the most important raw materials used in the structure of sawdust coal. However, there are other ways to produce sawdust charcoal. In one of these methods, they use sawdust alone and do not use other materials.

On the other hand, a device called a gearbox extruder is used to increase its pressing power. This type of coal is produced at a lower cost, but it has a lower quality. But in another method of producing sawdust coals, in addition to this raw material, other compounds are also used.

It doesn’t matter what the production method is. In any case, the raw material, i.e. sawdust, must be of high quality and have special characteristics, so that finally a quality product is produced and offered to the consumer market. One of the most important features of this raw material is its humidity, which should not be too low or too high.

On the other hand, producers should use sawdust in the right amount and be careful about its type. It is also necessary for producers to be familiar with the types of sawdust and consider the appropriate type.

Among the most important types of sawdust, we can mention coarse and fluffy sawdust, or we can mention sugar, carpentry and flaki sawdust. Another raw material used in the production process of this charcoal is walnut skin. Walnut skin must also have certain characteristics.

For example, paying attention to its freshness or oldness is particularly important. Before producing this type of charcoal, you should pay attention to the quality of the walnut skin, the amount of impurities, its quantity, durability and shelf life.

The presence of raw materials such as walnut skin, almond skin, etc., which are a type of wood and have natural fat, helps to make sawdust charcoal last longer.

Other raw materials needed to make sawdust charcoal are wood scraps that are provided from furniture factories to have high quality.

Related article: Pistachio carbon coal, a new step in the coal industry

What is sawdust coal? Production and benefits

What is sawdust coal? Production and benefits

Sawdust coal production method

The production method of this product is that after providing the required raw materials, they use a special device called a belt extruder. This device is able to combine and mix the materials and compounds provided with each other at a very high speed.

After combining and compressing the raw materials, they can place them in traditional furnaces. In fact, after the compression of the raw materials and required compounds and at the beginning of this process, charcoal briquettes are obtained. Briquette is the raw coal that has been compressed and must be heated in the furnace.

After heating the raw coal in the furnace, compressed coal is produced. Usually, the briquettes made of sawdust have a length of 70 cm and a square cross-section.

If you want the sawdust charcoal to have a higher quality, it is better to consider the size of the pieces of sawdust to be less than one centimeter and its moisture content to be something around 8 to 12%.

Advantages of using sawdust charcoal

One of the most important advantages of sawdust coals is that their raw material, sawdust, is very cheap and readily available. For this reason, by using it, you will play a significant role in reducing your costs. By producing sawdust charcoal, fewer trees are cut down. So, by using this product, you will not harm the environment.

As you know, wood from trees is used to produce ordinary charcoal, and wood such as lemon tree, grape bushes and oak are used. However, no tree is cut down to produce sawdust-type compressed coal.

See also: What kind of coal is used in different countries?


If you can produce good quality sawdust charcoal, you can sell the final product obtained in kitchens and other industries and make a big market out of it. In this way, you will also get a lot of profit. Another advantage of this type of coal is the hassle-free production method and the use of up-to-date equipment in the manufacturing process. Of course, in addition to this charcoal, if you are looking for a higher quality product, charcoal soil charcoal produced in oak and pistachio carbon is a more suitable alternative.

Fars blazing charcoal is the provider of compressed coal with the best quality and guaranteed price, please contact us for more information and order. “blazing charcoal, the heat of life”.

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