Pistachio carbon coal, a new step in the coal industry

In today’s world, the demand for clean and sustainable energy sources is increasing. In the meantime, coal has maintained its place as a traditional source of energy and is used in various uses, such as grilling, hookah, and industrial uses. But smoke and harmful gases from traditional coals have always been a challenge for human health and the environment. In this regard, pistachio carbon charcoal has attracted a lot of attention as a new and ideal alternative. This type of charcoal is processed from pistachio shell and brings a different experience of charcoal with its unique benefits.

In this article, we will examine pistachio carbon charcoal and compare it with coconut charcoal, one of the most popular charcoals available in the market.

What is pistachio charcoal?

Pistachio carbon charcoal is a type of charcoal that is processed from pistachio shells and is known as an ideal alternative to traditional charcoals and coconut charcoal. This type of charcoal brings a different experience of charcoal with its unique advantages.

Pistachio carbon charcoal production process

  • The pistachio shell is collected and washed completely.
  • Shells turn into charcoal at high temperature and without oxygen.
  • The resulting coal is milled and put into different forms such as mold, compressed or powder.

Advantages of pistachio charcoal:

Pistachio carbon charcoal, as a new and ideal alternative to traditional charcoal, has significant advantages that make it a superior choice for various uses. In the following, we will examine these benefits in full:

Little smoke and smell

One of the most important advantages of pistachio carbon charcoal is its very little smoke and smell compared to traditional charcoal and even coconut charcoal. This feature makes pistachio carbon charcoal an ideal choice for home use and in closed spaces. There will be no more thick smoke and unpleasant smell of charcoal when grilling or using hookah.

Steady heat and flame

Pistachio carbon charcoal has a stable and strong heat and flame due to its high carbon content. This feature ensures uniform and complete cooking of food during grilling and is also suitable for industrial uses that require high and continuous heat.

Fast melting time

Unlike traditional charcoals that require a long time to light, pistachio carbon charcoal melts quickly and is ready to use in the shortest possible time. This feature minimizes your wait for the charcoal to light up.

high durability

Due to its high density, pistachio carbon has a long shelf life and does not extinguish easily. This feature reduces the need to replace coal during use and will also benefit you economically.

See also: What are the raw materials for the production of compressed coal?

environment lover

Pistachio carbon charcoal is produced from pistachio shell waste, and natural resources are not harmed in its production process. On the other hand, traditional coals are made from wood, which leads to the destruction of forests and damage to the environment.

The price is right

Pistachio carbon charcoal has a more reasonable price compared to coconut charcoal, which is highly popular. This feature makes pistachio charcoal an economical choice.

What is pistachio charcoal?

What is pistachio charcoal?

Mild taste

Pistachio charcoal has a mild taste and does not overpower the taste of tobacco when used in hookah.

Lack of sparks and throwing coals

Unlike traditional charcoals that throw sparks and coals, pistachio carbon charcoal is free from this problem and will be safer to use.

Variety in dimensions and shapes

Pistachio carbon charcoal is produced in different dimensions and forms such as mold, compact and powder, which makes it easier to choose for different uses.

Various applications

In addition to grilling and hookah, this charcoal is also used in industrial uses such as metal melting and casting.

See also: What kind of coal is used in different countries?

What is coconut charcoal?

Coconut charcoal is a type of charcoal made from coconut shells. The world’s most famous coconut charcoal is for the country of Indonesia, which has a variety of uses and in many cases, acts similar to pistachio charcoal. In the following, we will compare these two popular types of coal.

Comparison of carbon pistachio charcoal and coconut charcoal

Coconut charcoal and pistachio carbon charcoal are two of the most popular types of charcoal on the market, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will compare these two types of coal to help you choose the best option for your needs.


Low smoke and smell: Both types of charcoal produce little smoke and smell and are suitable for use in closed environments.

High heat: Both types of charcoal produce high heat and are suitable for cooking and hookah.

Long shelf life: Both types of charcoal burn more slowly and have a longer shelf life due to their high density.

Eco-friendly: Both types of charcoal are made from natural materials and therefore, they are eco-friendly.

The differences

Price: Due to being imported, coconut charcoal has a higher price than pistachio carbon charcoal.

Resistance to crushing: Pistachio carbon has a higher resistance to crushing due to its higher density.

Lightening speed: Pistachio carbon charcoal lights up faster than coconut charcoal.

Ash: Pistachio charcoal produces less ash than coconut charcoal.

As you can see, coconut charcoal and pistachio charcoal perform similarly in many respects and even pistachio charcoal performs better in some respects such as price, resistance, lighting speed, and ash.

Therefore, if you are looking for a quality and affordable charcoal, pistachio carbon charcoal can be an ideal choice for you.


We checked what pistachio carbon charcoal is and considering the significant advantages that this type of charcoal has, it is known as an ideal choice for various uses. If you are looking for charcoal that has little smoke and smell, provides stable heat and flame, is environmentally friendly, and is economical, Pistachio carbon charcoal is the best option for you.

Fars blazing charcoal is the provider of compressed coal with the best quality and guaranteed price, please contact us for more information and order. “blazing charcoal, the heat of life”.

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